Unlisted YouTube: What Is It & How to Find It? [Full Guide]
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Doremi Video Downloader
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YouTube is an amusement park featured with videos, where you can share and watch videos that you like.
However, you may not want everyone to see your videos for some reason. If you’re going to restrict a particular video from appearing on YouTube search results, the unlisted mode of a video while uploading on YouTube does the job for you.
Unlisted YouTube videos are those that do not appear on YouTube and are not available on the uploader’s channel. They can only be watched by someone with the video URL.
Want to know more about unlisted YouTube videos?
Let’s dive in!
Part 1. What Does Unlisted Mean on YouTube?
Unlisted YouTube videos are not on your channel’s playlist or not viewable at any cost on a channel by other users who don’t have the link. Actually, this type of video is made and shared through a link, and only those who have this link can play the video on YouTube. Unlisted videos are the best to share paid webinars. However, you can make these unlisted videos public anytime you wish. Mind that unlisted videos are not private videos, which means anyone who finds the link can view the video.
Permitted Unlisted YouTube Video
Generally speaking, permitted unlisted YouTube videos are those videos useful or interesting to others and causing no harm to anyone if they are shared.
Forbidden Unlisted YouTube Video
Videos that have been obviously unlisted out of privacy reasons:
Videos intended to be exclusively for paid subscribers/donors;
Videos that shouldn’t even be on YouTube, e.g., adult videos, illegal content;
Videos that infringe copyrights, etc.
Part 2. YouTube Unlisted vs. Private vs. Public
Unlisted YouTube videos are those videos that are not searchable but viewable if you have that video link. Unlisted videos help share webinars and other online courses which are limited.
Private YouTube videos are neither searchable nor viewable by all users. They can be viewed only by the selected users permitted by the uploader. If the link is shared with you, you can also view that video.
Public videos are those videos that are searchable and viewable by all users on YouTube.
Unlisted videos can be set to private or public videos and vice versa.
Part 3. Advantages of Unlisted YouTube Video
Basically, if you want to share your videos with a large group, but hide them from search results, then YouTube unlisted is the most suitable choice for you.
Here are some other advantages:
● It’s conducive to office work and any other business affairs. For example, briefing your job with many employees or sharing your portfolio with prospective employers.
● It’s a tentative field before videos go public. Unlisted videos are perfect for collecting reviews from a small group before going public.
● It’s s cushion for you to clean your YouTube content. Set your old public videos as unlisted videos before disabling the visibility from your channel. In this way, anyone who is allowed could have access to retain them.
Unlisted YouTube videos sometimes end up sharing on other sites. There’s even a dedicated site to explore unlisted YouTube videos. Besides, your unlisted videos will appear public if they are on a playlist.
Part 4. How to Find Unlisted YouTube Videos
How Do I Find My Unlisted Videos on YouTube?
Head for “Your videos” by clicking the hamburger menu whenever you want.
How to Find Other’s Unlisted YouTube Videos?
Take your chances to see if you can find other’s unlisted YouTube videos with the following method.
Method 1. Unlisted Videos Website
A website named Unlisted Videos provides a platform for submitting, watching, and searching for unlisted YouTube videos. No registration is required. Launched in 2014, this site has collected many resources, so just search with keywords on the off chance.
Method 2. Google Search Engine
Though the YouTube videos are unlisted, you can still try to search them with the Google search engine. Searching with proper symbols and words could help you get results easily.
Part 5. How to Publish Unlisted YouTube Videos?
Step 1. To begin with, make sure you have logged in to YouTube with your Google account. Then, click your profile photo and go to “Your channel,” and then click “YOUTUBE STUDIO” at the right corner of the page. After that, you’ll find the obvious entrance to upload videos and do it.
Step 2. Set the visibility as “Unlisted.” Save it, and the unlisted video is uploaded.
You can check the video you just uploaded in your “Videos.”
If you want to set YouTube videos as unlisted,just go to the above Visibility column, and change it into private or public.
Part 6. Download Unlisted YouTube Videos
If you are lucky to find unlisted YouTube videos, is it better to save them as your local files in case you may miss them again?
DoremiZone Video Downloader Pro is a professional video downloader for downloading any YouTube video with a valid URL. For public YouTube videos, you can even search for the results in the search bar and download them.
Doremi Video Downloader
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Bring your precious URL of unlisted YouTube videos and follow my guide.
Step 1. Paste the unlisted videos URL to the search bar on Video Downloader Pro.
Step 2. Select the format and download the unlisted YouTube video.
All in All
Okay, if you were curious about “What does unlisted mean on YouTube?” hopefully, you have no doubts anymore. I’ve shed light on YouTube unlisted vs. private, how to see your unlisted videos on YouTube, and how to download YouTube unlisted videos.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an unlisted YouTube video?
Unlisted YouTube videos are those unsearchable videos on YouTube. They can only be seen by anyone with the video link.
What's the difference between unlisted and private YouTube?
Unlisted YouTube videos are those videos that can be viewed with a link, whereas private videos can be viewed only by the selected users permitted by the uploader. If the link is shared with you, you can also view that video.
How can you find unlisted YouTube videos?
1. Find YouTube unlisted videos of others via the Unlisted Videos Website.2. Alternatively, you can still find unlisted YouTube videos on Google. Just search for the unlisted YouTube video you want.
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